Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Module 12 Video Review

1) I selected the video “Abstract Expressionism and pop: Art of the ‘50’s and 60’s” because pop art was such an odd phase I figured it was worth learning more. I picked the video “Andy Warhol: Images of an Image” because he seemed to be such a huge part of the pop art movement and he’s an icon. So I guessed it would be good to learn all I can about him. 2) In “Abstract expressionism and pop: art of the 50’s and 60’s” I learned about the artist Kline and how he used colors to paint abstract art. This artist not alone used color to convey his points he also used action. Action meaning the technique in which Kline painted. It was very popular among abstract artists of that era as the text and video stated. From “Andy Warhol” Images of Images” some key concepts were that Warhol loved to use the silkscreen method of painting. Warhol had a theme among his works of repetition, not only in the individual pieces themselves but of his collections. For example he used Marylin Monroe in countless works and this ended up forming a collection of one woman after another. 3) “Abstract Expressionism and pop: art of the 50’s and 60’s” gave more information on different pop and abstract artists. This was good as it is always better to learn about eclectic groups rather than stay stuck on one style or artist. “Andy Warhol: Images of Images” goes into depth and actually elaborated on what the silkscreen technique really entails. Being that it was Warhols primary mode of creation I was glad to finally learn what it was. 4) I thought both videos were effective, however I was very bored while watching “Abstract Expressionism and pop: art of the 50’s and 60’s” Also slightly disturbing in that video was that they only featured one female artist. I don’t think the gorilla girls would be too excited to see that! Ha! “Any Warhol: Images of Images” helped me to further understand this artist and the way and reasons behind some of his works.

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