Saturday, November 10, 2012

Module 11 Video Review

1) The first video I watched was “Expressionism.” My reason for picking this video is because the text referred to this form of art and mentions how other styles sprang from it. The second video I decided to view was “Matisse and Picasso.” The reason was because of Picasso really. I have always been taught about Picasso in various phases of my academic career and I have never fully understood him. I had hopes that this video would help me to comprehend him more fully.
 2) For the video “Expressionism” the artist Ernst Ludwig Kirchner who was a part of the movement called die Brükch, painted in a way that was different than any other. Kirchner’s work was displayed in this video to characterize what this sect of expressionism embodied. The video said that this particular style was ‘less about sharp form and more about the sensations’ that the painting was trying to convey. The video “Matisse and Picasso” focused a lot on the personal lives of these two painters and how their experiences effected and inspired their art. It was very intriguing to learn that these two actually met up and even exchanged paintings. It was also eye opening to learn that these two inspired one another seeing as to the fact that their approaches to painting and drawing were complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
 3) The video “Expressionism” touches again on color and the unconventional manner in which it was used in expressionist artwork. The painting mentioned in the video “Blue Horse” is an example of color and it’s different use in expressionism. “Matisse and Picasso” mentions many points that were also featured in the textbook. The fact that Matisse’s artistic talents were suppressed as a teen was also mentioned in detail in the textbook.
 4) The video “Expressionism” was terribly dull and nearly made me fall asleep. There is not very much music throughout the video, which is likely why I found it extremely boring to watch. “Expressionism” was a highly factual video and did help to reinforce some key concepts of this art form, especially the form Die Brükch. Other than that however I was very bored with the video. Contrary to that first video I viewed “Matisse and Picasso” was very enjoyable to me. The video shows in depth the processes and thoughts of these two very important artists. I think it is important to get into th heads and learn about the lives and experiences of artists because it gets you to better understand the work they create.

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