Saturday, October 6, 2012

Module six

1) For Through the eyes of the Sculptor I saw how and why sculptors work. I saw that restoration takes not only a lot of time but some man power to make happen especially in dealing with marble stone. In Glass and Ceramics it shows in great detail the step by step process of how glass and ceramic materials are made. The Installation Art video gave a clear definition of what installation art is. Instillation art is art work that takes over a space or room and surrounds you.
2) Through The Eyes of the Sculptor revisited sculptures and restoration. Glass and Ceramics reiterated in steps the exact process of glass and ceramic making. Installation Art really gave a clear definition of what this art form really is and what its about.
3) I thought Through the eyes of the Sculptor got me to understand a little more of what goes into sculpting and how restoration really occures. Glass and ceramics was very droll and lengthy. It had a great deal of detail and was very factual however there was no real story therefore it was difficult to hold my attentions when watching it. Installation Art was the best of all three videos. It gave a clear definition on the art form, it was interesting and very new overall it helped me to understand a lot better about installation art, whereas the other videos sort of just repeated the text books.

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