Monday, December 3, 2012

Module 15 Video Review

1)   I watched the video “Greenberg on Pollock: An interview by T.J Clark” and learned a couple of things from this. What I learned from this video was that no alone do critics critique artists but at times they get to know artists on a personal level. That being said I learned that Pollock, because of this particular critic would at times have a warped opinion of his very own art, style and works. This is of course one of the consequences that can occur from critics’ words. The second video I watched was “An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance.” In that film I learned about how each step of the Renaissance and each new artist and great painting was actually an add on or improvement of previous artists. The “master” in the video told his young apprentice a lot about the artists of that time and he thoroughly explained why, how and who was important to the newer creations as time proceeded through the Renaissance. The ‘master’ used a critical yet fair eye in contradiction to the young mans initial opinions, which were purely just opinion rather than critiques’.  
2)   The video “Greenberg on Pollock: An interview by T.J. Clark” only slightly relates to the creation of our art criticism project. We got an inside perspective and opinion of an art critic however it doesn’t really narrow down how you critique an artists piece. Really this particular critic spoke all about his glory days when he was affiliated and critiquing Pollock’s work. In the video “An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance” the older gentleman in the video seemed to represent a non-bias critic sort of teaching the younger man how to critique art and artists. The older man made a lot of valid points about styles and re-informed me about techniques, however the video still wasn’t a huge help to my creation of art criticism.  
3)   The video “Greenberg on Pollock: An interview by T.J Clark” was a bit dull and not that fun to watch. It did slightly teach about art criticism but really it was so narrow that it wasn’t very effective. The video “An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance” was very engaging and kept my attention fully the entire time. The music always helps keep attention and the acting wasn’t too bad either. It wasn’t Oscar worthy of course but it definitely reaffirmed my knowledge about the Italian Renaissance. 

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